Venus Raj got hers in only a few minutes. Ariella Arida used her mobile phone to get registered. The two former beauty queens recently demonstrated the new system of obtaining an NBI clearance during the live demo at the NBI headquarters in Manila.
Before the new system, it would usually take an applicant an almost day-long process to apply for the said important document. It usually involved long ques from application, payment and processing. NBI launched the e-clearance system last year but in slow stages. In July 2014, a dry run was set up.
It was followed by the e-Registration components in September 2014 and e-Payment in November 2014. All of which was softly launched January this year.
According to the agency, the traditional six-step clearance process would be simplified into three steps.
The first step involves registering online through the NBI website ( or An application form has to be filled out. Afterwards, an appointment date will be set, and payment would be made. This site can also be accessed via mobile phones.
Payments can be done via online banking, over-the-counter bank payment, over-the-counter non-bank payments like Bayad Center, LBC and Robinsons Department Store, ATM and debit cards, and mobile payment systems.
The second step would be an appointment system to the clearance system. An applicant would receive a registration core or reference number, which will also serve as a gate pass to the clearance centers. The applicant would then have his/her picture and biometrics taken. The final step is the printing of the clearance.
The next innovative idea for the NBI is to introduce a non-appearance renewal within the year. In this process, an applicant renewing his/her NBI clearance would no longer have to appear before the NBI or satellite station.
For applicants who have no access to the Internet, computer work stations are set up at NBI main office in Manila, free of charge. The same service would soon be available in the regional offices.
READ: Step by step process of NBI online applications, fees and requirements.
how to fill up the NBI
Hi Miss Abi you can try this:
How to fill nbi application form. Thankyou.